“Mastering the art & science of parenting.”
No two parent child combinations are the same. What works with one child, may not work with their sibling. Your eldest may motivate for praise and rewards, while your youngest could care less. As one insightful parent said of his two children, “Same ingredients, different cake.” MasterParenting will help you learn what strategies work for you and your child.
5-Day Micro Intensive
The 5-Day Micro Intensive program is focus intensive, not time intensive. Focusing your time and energies on strategies that work will make parents more efficient and effective.
The 5-Day Micro Intensive provides daily inspiration, information, and partnership to help you apply the MasterParent strategies. You will be partnered throughout the process with your MasterParent cohort and micro Intensive creator, Amanda Deverich, LMFT.
Behavioral science has been studying parenting for decades. Some strategies have proven effective and some have been proven outright harmful. Many effective and proven strategies work with some children, but not all. MasterParenting will teach you different, evidence based techniques for you to tailor to your particular family’s needs.